A primary charge spelled out in Scripture is for the older generation to influence the younger—a practice that is lost in many churches because the generations rarely come together.
A primary charge spelled out in Scripture is for the older generation to influence the younger—a practice that is lost in many churches because the generations rarely come together.
The story of the Prodigal Son is one many of us think we know but really don’t. Jesus embedded so much truth in it to where we need to slow down and take a close look.
The story of the Prodigal Son is one many of us think we know but really don’t. Jesus embedded so much truth in it to where we need to slow down and take a close look.
The story of the Prodigal Son is one many of us think we know but really don’t. Jesus embedded so much truth in it to where we need to slow down and take a close look.
The story of the Prodigal Son is one many of us think we know but really don’t. Jesus embedded so much truth in it to where we need to slow down and take a close look.
The story of the Prodigal Son is one many of us think we know but really don’t. Jesus embedded so much truth in it to where we need to slow down and take a close look.
The story of the Prodigal Son is one many of us think we know but really don’t. Jesus embedded so much truth in it to where we need to slow down and take a close look.
The providence of God is a concept many of us accept generally but struggle to personalize. If that’s the case, it’s good to remember the cross.
There’s an archaic event that happens in Genesis 48-49 that resembles something that must take place with us if we’re going to be a part of our Heavenly Father’s family. Bewildered? Read on.
At the end of the day, integrity is a matter of allowing God to do a work in our lives to where we aren’t partially or fractionally His but, rather, fully and completely His.
If I’m going to be the person I want, I must confront the truth about myself. Many people don’t want to do that. Joseph made his brothers to do so … in the interest of their restoration and healing.
While time can erase a number of things, it can’t dim the memory and pain of a guilty conscience. Joseph’s brothers realize that when they journey to Egypt in search of grain.
The sovereignty of God is a difficult concept to define, but it’s an easy one to recognize after the fact. In this part of Joseph’s story, we see an amazing example of it.
How do you handle it when you find yourself immersed in circumstances you don't want and didn't choose? This part of Joseph's story gives us some helpful guidance.
Joseph's battle with sexual temptation highlights some principles we can apply when we face an enticement to do something that's at odds with what God wants for us.
The story of Joseph from the Old Testament is a story with an array of unbelievable plot twists. The key to overcoming the chaos lies in having a defined and settled purpose in life.
While the word "hero" is often tossed around casually in our society, it is frequently used in situations where it doesn't truly apply. But the life of Joseph is truly a heroic life.
In the account of Jesus’ interaction with the woman at the well, he gives us insight as to how the church can engage people who are estranged from God and suspicious of organized religion.