You wouldn’t think a murder trial would serve as a focal point for a display of the challenge, and beauty, of forgiveness.  If so, you’d have to think again.

From a foreign policy standpoint there are many compelling reasons to stand by the nation of Israel.  But I’m convinced the sense of spiritual obligation is an Old Testament construct.

While the Old Testament is the soil from which our faith emerged, we retain some ideas and understandings that can set us back if we’re not careful.  Here’s one of them.

The pending retirement of the manager of my favorite MLB team, and the timing and circumstances of his decision, highlights an oft-overlooked principle of effective leadership.

Next time you go to the theater, you will undoubtedly experience something that is a powerful analogy of the role of the church in our society.  And it has nothing to do with the movie you chose to see.

I sometimes wonder if the gospel we embrace is a limited and abridged version that falls far short of the holistic and comprehensive message Jesus proclaimed.

You wouldn’t expect SportsCenter to pass along a story that speaks to a principal way that followers of Jesus can validate and substantiate their faith.  But it did!