Of all the incredible and miraculous things God ever did, the single most amazing is what He did at Christmas. He just showed up!
Of all the incredible and miraculous things God ever did, the single most amazing is what He did at Christmas. He just showed up!
At Thanksgiving, we are encouraged to inventory our life and express our gratitude and thanks to God. Here’s a segment I developed for use in our worship service to “prime the pump” on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Freedom doesn’t mean living a life void of restriction and restraint; it’s much more involved than that. But when a group of God’s people do it, it’s a beautiful thing!
Just as lying and dishonesty undermines the health and vitality of the church, so does exaggeration and hyperbole.
What does it take to be an effective “team player”? These qualities are a good start and will endear you greatly to your team leader.
The Global Leadership Summit proved again to be a superb event with tremendous takeaways for anyone that’s in a leadership role.
By its very nature organizational leadership is hazardous. But one of the greatest threats doesn’t come from the outside, but from the inside.
While the Bible has some weird and bizarre stuff, it also has some incredibly instructive and challenging stuff as well. Here’s a lesson from a lesser profile passage that’s been echoing with me lately.
The world has changed as a result of the Covid pandemic. So has the church. Here are some of the differences I see.
An under-the-radar episode from the life of King David provides a very pointed and timely challenge for us as followers of Jesus.
I am convinced that quite often God’s purposes and desires are best served by Him answering our prayers with a “No” rather than a “Yes.”
An Old Testament story of a lady for whom motherhood was not an altogether blessed experience gives us an insight into God we can all benefit from.
How are we to make sense of the brutal and barbaric things done with God’s supposed stamp of approval that we read of in the Old Testament?
There is so much more to this message at the center of the Christian faith—the gospel”—than I was ever led to believe.
PepsiCo’s retirement of the Aunt Jemima brand on the basis of an offensive and negative stereotype has potential repercussions and implications we hadn’t considered.
The difference between embedded and deliberative theology caused me to do something a little over a month ago that I’d never done before—vote for a Democrat for president.
Next Tuesday, our nation goes to the polls to select a president as well as various state and local officials. Here’s a guided, non-partisan prayer segment I developed for use in a worship service.
One of the things that has made my denomination special over the years is the freedom it has given folks to disagree on matters of secondary importance—a feature that I fear is being greatly threatened in our day.