The stories Jesus told offer insights that are just as valid for us two-thousand years after the fact as they were for his original audience. This one passes along a very important message about our foundational attitude.

These days, many professing Christ-followers live lives unduly defined and irrationally controlled by fear. The consequences are catastrophic.

The essential challenge and calling of the Christian life is summed up in a statement the writer of Hebrews makes as he’s wrapping up his letter—one we can easily overlook and miss if we’re not careful.

This year’s Global Leadership Summit again proved to be meaningful and insightful. Here are some of the memorable statements and noteworthy takeaways I came away with from this two-day event.

There’s a fair amount of unsettledness about what it means for the Bible to be inerrant and inspired. Here is my shot at explaining it in a way that both faithful to the integrity of the text and full of common sense.